扱いやすさで大人気のヨコモBLシリーズESCが最新仕様にスペックアップ! 最新のプログラムを搭載して新登場しました。回転数やスロットルポジションによるブースト調整機能、ターボディレイとスロープの調整機能、さらにブレーキも各操作ごとに周波数を変更できるなど詳細な設定が可能になり、様々なドライビングスタイルに合わせることができます。
プログラムの変更は別売りの専用プログラマーで行うことができますが、さらに別売りのWi-fiモジュール(BL-WM ●4,700)を搭載することで、スマートフォンアプリを利用しての遠隔制御を行うことも可能になりました。画面を見ながらのプログラム変更はもちろん、走行後のデータをグラフ化して確認したり、今後はESCのアップデートなどもにも対応予定です。
■ブラシレス センサードタイプ専用コントローラー
■走行用Li-po 1セルバッテリー(3.7V)対応
■対応Wi-fi モジュール BL-WM ●4,700
■対応プログラマー BL-YBP4●2,700
The popular Yokomo BL series ESC is easy to handle and specs up to the latest specifications! Newly equipped with the latest program. Boost adjustment function by rotation speed and throttle position, adjustment function of turbo delay and slope, furthermore the brake can also change the frequency for each operation, etc. It becomes possible to set detailed setting, it can be adapted to various driving style.
The case adopts full aluminum case with high cooling efficiency as heat countermeasure. In addition, a new type cooling fan that is larger than before and a fan guard made of aluminum are equipped as standard equipment, and outstanding heat countermeasures are applied to accommodate severe race scenes.
The wiring to the battery and motor is already soldered, so you can use it on the machine immediately.
Changing the program can be done by a special programmer sold separately, but it is also possible to remotely control using the smartphone application by installing the optional Wi-fi module (BL-WM -4,700) became. As well as changing the program while watching the screen, as well as checking the data after running using graphs, we are planning to update ESC in the future as well.
■ Brushless sensor type dedicated controller
■ Programmable
■Program changeable with YBP 4 programmer (option)
■ Boost and turbo function installed
■ Power feeling changeable
■ Advance, auto brake, brake frequency change function installed
■ Detailed brake adjustment function installed
■ Li-po 1-cell battery for running (3.7 V) compatible
■ Full ali case
■ ABS function
■ Reverse rotation function
■ Motor connection position change function
■ Supported Wi-Fi module BL-WM ● 4,700
■ Supported Programmer BL – YBP 4 ● 2,700
* The conventional BL-YBP / YBP2 / YBP3 programmer does not correspond, it can not be used. The new BL-YBP4 programmer is exclusively for BL-PRO4 / RS4 / SP4.