ジェイコブ・バーンズ選手が2020 D1-10 UK Worldsを制覇!
Jacob Burns takes TQ and 1st place win at the 2020 D1-10 UK Worlds

イギリスのドリフトシーンをリードする弱冠13歳の若き天才 ジェイコブ・バーンズ選手が、2020 D1-10 UK Worldsで激しい戦いの末、TQおよびチャンピオンの座を獲得しました。
Another Team YOKOMO little bright star, Jacob Burns, the top of the UK national drifter at 13 years old, after the hard fighting, takes TQ and 1st place win at the 2020 D1-10 UK Qualifier…. What a amazing day Nov. 9 !!!
We are so proud of you, JB!
We woluld also like to say thank you to Mr. Matthew Tunks, the mechanic of JB, to Mr. Lee Burns who is alway so suportful to JB, to the whole team that always do their best to promoting YOKOMO, thank you all for your great team work!
JB’s machine:
– Chassis: YD-2SX2
– Motor: Racing Performer DX-1 Type R
– ESC: Racing Performer RPX2
– Servo: YOKOMO