ニコラスリー選手、タミヤ/インフィニティ―シンガポールレースにて、BD8-2018 で完全優勝!
Nicholas Lee achieved perfect won at TIPS (Tamiya-Infinity-PRCA-Singapore) with BD8-2018

This past weekend, TIPS ( Tamiya-Infinity-PRCA-Singapore) race took place at our big "nitro" track. The main organiser (Tamiya Singapore) put together this race with 4 different classes; Touring Modified, Touring Boosted, Truck and lastly, the Tamiya mini. With Infinity part of the main sponsor for the event, They sent their full team, except Marc which competed at the EOS the same weekend. We had also some drivers from Japan, Korea, Malaysia and Sweden that were present in this race.
Although Nicholas Lee live in Singapore, this is not his home track as it is basically too big for touring car. And normally there are not have electric races in this track, unless due to a big event.
It was fortunate to get away with a very good weather during the race. It rained immediately after controlled practice(Saturday).

予選第一ラウンド、祖父江選手との接戦を展開となりましたが、ニコラス選手が最終周にてトップタイムを更新、その差は0.076秒。セットアップも完璧で、クルマへの負担を掛けることなく(not to over drive the car)非常に安定した走行を重ねることが出来ました。予選第二ラウンドにおいてもニコラス選手は最速で駆け抜け、レース期間中最速の16.4秒を記録しています。
This race was the first race with BD8-2018 for Nicholas Lee.
The first qualifying proved to be a close one with Akio. Fortunately, Nicholas got him in the last lap by less than a tenth. To be exact, it was by 0.076.
It was crucial to have a setup with good consistency, and not to over drive the car. So, Nicholas took the first round of qualifying.
In Q2. Nicholas set also the fastest lap of the event with 16.4s.
The sun was setting in Q3. Nicholas would come out on top by 0.7s ahead of Akio Sofue and Naoto Matukura. This puts him in a really good position for overall TQ with one more qualifier to be ran the following day.
Come Sunday, Nicholas chose to run used tires for the final qualifier as he was confident that the track was slower than the day before and even if he did not TQ this round, Nicholas would still take the overall TQ. Also Nicholas save the tires for the final is because, the drivers basically get 6 sets of tires in total, but we have 7 rounds altogether.

雌雄を決する最終ラウンド、ニコラス選手の集中力は衰えることなく安定走行を心がけ、祖父江選手に1.5秒の差で勝利、第1ラウンド、第3ラウンドの勝利により本レースのモデファイド クラスにて見事に総合優勝、BD8-2018のデビューウインを果たしました。
Moving on to the finals, Nicolas had huge pressure from Naoto Matsukura for the whole final. Nicholas could defend the whole of the first final without making mistake.
The second final was a rough one for Nicholas. Naoto Matsukura tried to pass Nicholas on the straight however, it could not make and both crashed and ended the race in the first lap.
The last final was intense, but Nicholas could pull a sizeable gap and finish ahead of Akio by 1.5s. Winning the first and the third round gave Nicholas the overall win.