谷田部アリーナ オフロードグランプリコース リニューアル工事のお知らせ
Notice of Yatabe Arena Off-Road Grand Prix Course Renewal

谷田部アリーナではオフロードグランプリコースをより快適に楽しんで頂く為に、全面リニューアル工事を行います。 工事期間中はコースをご利用いただくことができません。ご利用のお客様にはご不便をお掛けしますが リニューアル工事終了までしばらくお待ちください。
Thank you for always using Yatabe Arena.
Yatabe Arena is undergoing renewal work in order to enjoy the off-road Grand Prix course more comfortably. The course cannot be used during the construction period. We apologize for any inconvenience, but please wait for a while until the renewal work is completed.
Construction period: From March 10, 2020 to about 4 months (There may be delays due to weather, etc.)
To customers who use the off-road course only and purchase an annual passport.
If you are unable to use it for the convenience of the facility, we will refund the usage fee during the construction period. In addition, we will consult with customers who are enjoying other courses together.
We apologize for any inconvenience to our customers.