マシュー・ゴンザレス選手がJConcepts National Carpet Series 2019を一掃!
Yokomo's Matthew Gonzales Sweeps 2019 JConcepts National Carpet Series!

2019年のJコンセプト ナショナルカーペットシリーズは、全米のトップ4カーペット/人工芝コースで開催、ネバダ州/ラスベガスの702 R/Cレースウェイで開幕を迎えました。
ラウンド2は北上してオレゴン州のアルバニーのNWホビーズでノースウエストカーペットナショナルズ、さらにラウンド3はコネチカット州エンフィールドのRCマッドネスでノースイースト ターフナショナルズと続きました。そして最終戦はミネソタ州のサンダーロードR/Cレースウェイのミッドウエストカーペットナショナルズでシリーズの締めくくりを迎えます。
The 2019 JConcepts National Carpet Series would hit four of the top carpet/astro tracks across the United States in its inaugural season. The series would kick off with round #1 at 702 R/C Raceway in Las Vegas, Nevada for the Western Carpet Nationals. Then round #2 would head up north to NW Hobbies in Albany, Oregon for the Northwest Carpet Nationals. Round #3 was held at RC Madness in Enfield, Connecticut for the Northeast Turf Nationals.

このシリーズは全4ラウンド中ベスト3ラウンドの成績でシリーズランキングを決定します。非常に争いの激しいカテゴリーで各ラウンドのポイントが重要な意味を持ちますが、チームヨコモのマシュー・ゴンザレス選手が実際に参戦できたのは3ラウンド。つまりすべてのレースがカウントされるシビアな状況となりました。しかしマシュー選手はYZ-2 CAL3で17.5Tのストックバギークラスで圧倒的な強さを発揮、出場したすべてのレースでTQ&優勝を飾り、完璧なスコアで最初のシリーズチャンピオンを獲得しました!
Then the series would come to an end at Thunder Road R/C Raceway in Waite Park, Minnesota for the Midwest Carpet Nationals. With 3 out of the 4 rounds counting for the overall championship, there was no room for error in this extremely competitive series. Yokomo’s Matthew Gonzales would only be able to attend 3 of the 4 rounds, meaning every race would count. Matthew went onto have a series to remember as he went undefeated in the 17.5 2wd Stock Buggy class with his Trinity/Hobbywing powered YZ-2 CAL3 and finish with a perfect score to claim his 1st overall series championship! Matthew also TQ’ed and Won 2 of the 3 rounds he attended in 13.5 4wd Buggy and finished 2nd at the series finale with his Trinity/Hobbywing powered YZ-4 SF to secure his 2nd overall series championship! Yokomo would also like to congratulate team driver Mike Katz on finishing 2nd overall in both classes for the series to give Yokomo the top two spots on both podiums!
Matthew’s road to victory in 17.5 2wd Stock Buggy:
Western Carpet Nationals: TQ & Win
Northwest Carpet Nationals: TQ & Win
Northeast Carpet Nationals: did not attend
Midwest Carpet Nationals: TQ & Win
17.5 2wd Stock Buggy Top 2 Overall Series Finishing Order:
Driver Car Manufacturer
1st Matthew Gonzales Yokomo YZ-2 CAL3
2nd Mike Katz Yokomo YZ-2 CAL3
Matthew’s road to victory in 13.5 4wd Buggy:
Western Carpet Nationals: TQ & Win
Northwest Carpet Nationals: TQ & Win
Northeast Carpet Nationals: did not attend
Midwest Carpet Nationals: 2nd
13.5 4wd Buggy Top 2 Overall Series Finishing Order:
Driver Car Manufacturer
1st Matthew Gonzales Yokomo YZ-4 SF
2nd Mike Katz Yokomo YZ-4 SF
*Check out Matty G’s 17.5 2wd Stock Buggy & 13.5 4wd Buggy Set-ups from Thunder Road R/C Raceway!