Yokomo's Ryan Maifield & Jake Thayer Win BIG @ 2019 Desert Classic in Arizona!

2019年のデザートクラシックは、アリゾナ州チャンドラーのホビーアクションR / Cレースウェイの素晴らしい施設で、3月7日から10日まで開催されました。 ヨコモからは、ライアン・メイフィールド、ライアン・キャバラリ、JPリチャーズ、ジェイク・セイヤー、ライリー・シェーファー、ジョシュ・ベンド、イーサン・コバルスキー、ロン・リード、そしてブレイディ・アンダーソンらのメンバーでこのレースに参戦しました。 また、メカニックとして足立伸之介と、USAチームマネージャのジョー・ピラー氏が、チームヨコモのサポートとユーザーサポートを行いました。
The 2019 Desert Classic was held March 7th-10th at the amazing facility of Hobby Action R/C Raceway in Chandler, Arizona. Yokomo would arrive at this years race with a stacked team consisting of: Ryan Maifield, Ryan Cavalieri, JP Richards, Jake Thayer, Riley Schaefer, Josh Bend, Ethan Kovalsky, Ron Reid, and Brady Anderson. Also in attendance for Yokomo was lead engineer Shin Adachi and USA Team Manager Joe Pillars to provide top notch support to all Yokomo team drivers and customers.
With over 300 total race entries, it was going to be a great weekend of racing!
4WD モデファイド バギー
ハイレベルな争いとなった4WDモデファイド バギークラスでは、ヨコモのライアン・メイフィールド選手が予選を制し、決勝でもYZ-4SFの性能を引き出してTQ優勝を果たしました!
4wd Modified Buggy
In the highly competitive 4wd Modified Buggy class, Yokomo’s Ryan Maifield dominated qualifying and secured the overall TQ with his YZ-4 SF!
Maifield then took the convincing Wins in A-Main #1 & A-Main #2, to take home the 4wd Modified Buggy Championship!
Yokomo’s Ryan Cavalieri showed great speed and would finish 3rd overall on the podium!

4wd Modified Buggy Top 3 Overall Finishing Order:
Driver Car Manufacturer
1st Ryan Maifield (TQ) Yokomo YZ-4 SF
2nd Spencer Rivkin AE
3rd Ryan Cavalieri Yokomo YZ-4 SF
17.5 Stadium Truck
In the 17.5 Stadium Truck class, Yokomo’s Jake Thayer would go onto take the overall TQ honors with his YZ-2T!
Thayer then put in an impressive drive during the single 8-minute A-Main to take the Win and the 17.5 Stadium Truck Championship!
Yokomo’s Riley Schaefer also put in a great drive to finish 2nd overall with his YZ-2T!

17.5 Stadium Truck Top 3 Overall Finishing Order:
Driver Car Manufacturer
1st Jake Thayer (TQ) Yokomo YZ-2T
2nd Riley Schaefer Yokomo YZ-2T
3rd Wayne Wyrick TLR
13.5 4WDバギー
13.5 4WDバギークラスでは、YZ-4SFをドライブするセイヤー選手が予選4ラウンドのうち3ラウンドをトップゴールしてTQを獲得!決勝でも8分間のAメインを制し、13.5 4WDバギークラスのチャンピオンを獲得しました!
13.5 4wd Buggy
In the 13.5 4wd Buggy class, Thayer went on TQ 3 of the 4 rounds of qualifying to take the overall TQ with his YZ-4 SF!
Thayer then went onto dominate the single 8-minute A-Main by leading every lap to take the Win and the 13.5 4wd Buggy Championship!
Schaefer would put in an impressive late race charge and make his way up to 2nd with his YZ-4 SF!

13.5 4wd Buggy Top 3 Overall Finishing Order:
Driver Car Manufacturer
1st Jake Thayer (TQ) Yokomo YZ-4 SF
2nd Riley Schaefer Yokomo YZ-4 SF
3rd Davey Batta AE
17.5 2WDバギー
17.5 2WDバギークラスでもセイヤー選手が快走。予選第1ラウンドと第3ラウンドをトップゴールしてTQを獲得します。
8分間のAメイン決勝でも後続を大きく引き離す素晴らしい走りを披露し、17.5 2WDバギークラスを制覇!出場したすべてのクラスで優勝する完全勝利となりました!
17.5 2wd Buggy
In the 17.5 2wd Buggy class, Thayer went onto TQ rounds #1 & #3 of qualifying to take the overall TQ!
Thayer put in an amazing drive during the single 8-minute A-Main to take the Win by a comfortable margin and the 17.5 2wd Buggy Championship!
This completing the perfect SWEEP for the weekend!

17.5 2wd Buggy Top 3 Overall Finishing Order:
Driver Car Manufacturer
1st Jake Thayer (TQ) Yokomo YZ-2 DT M2
2nd Ezra Keller AE
3rd Davey Batta AE
Congratulations to our entire Yokomo USA Race Team on these great A-Main results:
Ryan Maifield – 4wd Modified Buggy – TQ & 1st
Ryan Maifield – Modified Stadium Truck – 3rd
Ryan Maifield – 2wd Modified Buggy – 4th
Ryan Cavalieri – 2wd Modified Buggy – 3rd
Ryan Cavalieri – 4wd Modified Buggy – 3rd
Ryan Cavalieri – Modified Stadium Truck – 10th
JP Richards – 2wd Modified Buggy – 5th
JP Richards – Modified Stadium Truck – 9th
JP Richards – 4wd Modified Buggy – 10th
Jake Thayer – 17.5 Stadium Truck – TQ & 1st
Jake Thayer – 13.5 4wd Buggy – TQ & 1st
Jake Thayer – 17.5 2wd Buggy – TQ & 1st
Riley Schaefer – 17.5 Stadium Truck – 2nd
Riley Schaefer – 13.5 4wd Buggy – 2nd
Riley Schaefer – 17.5 2wd Buggy – 4th
Ethan Kovalsky – 17.5 Stadium Truck – 7th