New Yokomo will continue to thrive together with the RC industry!

As you may be notified, along with the former CEO stepped down on September. 30th, 2019, our current CEO is Mr. Shigeki Suzuki, started from October. 1st, 2019.
Yokomo’s business is a world-class quality in the RC vehicle industry. We are confident that our new management team will be able to meet the challenges in our industry!
Meanwhile, we are happy to announce that new touring car BD10, new 4WD off-road car YZ-4 model, new version of drift car YD-2 will be released soon, which will also have positive effect on the development of next-generation cars such as entry-type RC cars.
Additionally, we are building a new indoor circuit and implementing more equipment into our Yatabe Arena. At the same time, we will further expand our horizons by expanding our product lineups and improving the environment more attractive to beginners.
Sincerely, we hope to build up Yokomo’s future together with you !

New President’s Message:
Yokomo’s employees are enthusiastic and professional, they are full of ideas and truly care about customers. With their efforts, I am confident that in the near future, you will see a new Yokomo with high-quality products in the market.
We will be grateful if we can have your continuous support!
Thank you!
我代表新YOKOMO在此声明,在新经营体制之下,我们所有的员工一定会团结一致,竭尽全力,继续发扬YOKOMO在人才和技术的优势,坚持以顾客至上的原则,积极展开各种档次商品,使客户对YOKOMO的商品和服务能够同时得到极大的满足,使客户对YOKOMO产品充满信心和喜悦。 我们衷心希望可以得到各位长久的鼎力支持与合作,希望能够和各位一起获得成功!