YZ-4SF2キット 発売延期のお知らせ
Notification of postponement of YZ-4SF2

先日発表をいたしました4WDオフロードカー YZ-4SF2(品番:B-YZ4SF2 価格:¥64,800税別) の発売延期をお知らせいたします。
Thank you for your continued support on Yokomo products.
We regret to inform you that the release day for 4WD off-road car YZ-4SF2 (Product number: B-YZ4SF2) will be delayed.
It was originally announced that YZ-4SF2 will be released in late June 2020.However, due to delay in parts procurement, production has been postponed.We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused to all parties awaiting for the release on the product.The release date is scheduled for early July.We appreciate your understanding.