H.S.H. YOKOMO DAYS 2017 イベントレポート
H.S.H. YOKOMO DAYS 2017 Event report

スイスでのヨコモの代理店である、H.S.H.(HOBBY SHOP HASSIG)社の主催による1年に1度のお客様感謝デー、YOKOMO DAYS が、ディンティコン市にある、H.S.H.サーキットにて開催されました。
会場は常設されているオンロード コースとオフロード コース、そして特設ドリフト コースの3つが用意され、それぞれのサーキットでは、2日間いつ来てもRCカーが走行しており、RCの魅力を存分に伝える事の出来るイベントとなりました。
Yokomo Day with Masami Hirosaka in Switzerland was held at H.S.H.(HOBBY SHOP HASSIG) in Dintikon. Hobby Shop Hassig is the distributor of YOKOMO and this is the annual customer thanking event.
This is the 3rd years of this event, and Ronald Volker in 1st year, Lee Martin in 2nd year, and Masami Hirosaka has invited as special guest.
The permanent venue on-road and off-road course and temporal drift course were always running for two day for promoting and appealing the excellence of RC cars.

YOKOMO DAYS は、新しいお客様に対しラジコンに興味を持ってもらう事を第一の目的として開催されており、本格的なスピード競技が一切行われないのも特徴の一つで、模擬レースを交えた走行会のみの形式で行われました。
YOKOMO DAYS is held primarily to new customers who has interested at RC cars, so, there was no serious high speed competition, only the exhibition races instead. But also many Yokomo fans were there for enjoy chat talk for settings and race with their own cars for exhibition in various categories. The event are all for fun among RC car funs as well as spectators. All the attendees are also enjoyed free BBQ at lunch and dinner. There were more than 50 families and totally 300 people has enjoyed this event.

Especially after the dark, 10 group of 40 RC drivers were enjoyed 12 hours night race with Yokomo SD-9(1/10 scale, Toyota 86 car kit), race were begun from out of the box for assemble it for the night race.
Meanwhile, Masami Hirosaka has jump into Touring car and Off-road car exhibition races for communicating with local expert drivers, and also demonstrate his incredible high skill driving with hands and foot for receiving big applause from the audiences.

H.S.H.のオーナーのマリオ・ハッシグ氏は、RCカーの元スイス チャンピオンでもあり、レースに対しての理解が深いだけでなく、より多くの新規RCファンを獲得するため、積極的にRCアカデミーを開催しています。新規のお客様に対してのフォローを大切にしている事もあってか、今回のイベントでは、ラジコン サーキットではかつて見たことがないほどの男女の小中学生の多さに驚きました。
レポート by ヨコモスタッフ
Mr. Mario Hassig, owner of H.S.H shop & track is the former Switzerland champion RC cars is the person who well understanding RC race, but also trying to proceed RC academy campaign in order to increase the new people for RC hobby world. Therefore, we surprised to see maximum number of kids and teens we never seen before at RC car circuit.
At last, we appreciate for the HSH stuff for take care of us during our visit, and would have to express our big thanks to increase Yokomo fan in Switzerland
Reported by Team Yokomo