BD9 セッティングスキル:シャーシフレックスを引き出す薄型アッパーデッキ

We have now released the optional Thin Upper Deck (B9-00319T) for the BD-9 chassis. The part is made from 1.65mm carbon graphite material, and maintains the same shape and the standard upper deck. This is a good tuning option, as it allows an overall softer flex setting than the standard 2.0mm upper deck included in the kit.
When using the Aluminum Main Chassis (B9-00219A), the overall chassis flex is stiffened. Using the Thin Upper Deck can give some more flex in the car, making it easier to drive and improving the overall balance feel.
Alternatively, using the Thin Upper Desk with the standard carbon graphite chassis can provide more grip on low traction track. The flex setting and overall feeling can then be further tuned through the use of the rear roll plate (also included with the kit) giving more options to get the best balance and traction for your track.