BD9 セッティングスキル:マシンのレスポンスを向上させるアルミ製ジョイントカップ

The weight of the drive train is a key part of your BD9’s performance. A lighter drive train will improve the throttle response and provide more efficiency – keeping the battery voltage higher for longer. Yokomo has released an optional Aluminum Spool Cup (B9-501MCA) for the BD9, which reduces the weight of this important part by about 5.5g compared to the kit steel parts.
The reduction in weight also helps to reduce the flywheel effect of a heavier drive train, which will make the front of the car more stable, increase the initial steering and give a faster response on-throttle out of the corner too. This is a great option part which can really help to reduce your lap times and make your BD9 even faster!