NEW!! Ultra bearing oil / Teflon oil with improved functionality

RP-105 レーシングパフォーマー Ultra ベアリングオイル ¥1,200(税別)
RP-106 レーシングパフォーマー Ultra テフロンオイル ¥1,200(税別)
レーシングパフォーマー ブランドから新開発の潤滑オイル2種が新登場します! 使用する部分や素材に合わせて使い分けていただけるラインナップで、ベアリングやユニバーサルジョイントなど金属同士の摺動部分に塗布するULTRAベアリングオイルと、ギヤボックス内部やサスペンション回りなどの金属と樹脂、また樹脂同士やゴム製の部品などに最適なULTRA テフロンオイルです。
ULTRA テフロンオイルはPTFE(ポリテトラ フルオロエチレン)という最小の摩擦係数を持ったフッ素樹脂を配合し、樹脂製やゴム製のパーツとも非常に相性の良いオイル。ラジコンカーの中では樹脂パーツと金属パーツの接する可動部であるデファレンシャル周りのギヤ駆動部や、サスペンションの作動部分などに最適です。また、ゴム製品との相性の良さから、オイルショックのシャフトに薄く塗布することで、Oリングとの摩擦抵抗を下げることができ、よりスムースなダンパー作動が得られます。
RP-105 Racing Performer Ultra Bearing Oil \ 1,200 (excluding tax)
RP-106 Racing Performer Ultra Teflon Oil \ 1,200 (excluding tax)
Our Racing Performer Brand will launch two new lubricating oils. These oils can be used for different materials and parts. ULTRA Bearing Oil is applied to sliding parts between metals, such as bearings and universal joints, ULTRA Teflon Oil is the best to sliding parts between metal and resin, between resins and between rubber parts, such as inside the gear box and around the suspension and between resins and rubber.
Unlike conventional molybdenum-based oils, ULTRA Bearing Oil easily adheres to metal and can form a smooth and lubricate film on the surface. It has a special molecular structure which is no comparison with previous lubricants and can reduce the frictional resistance with its amazing lubrication under extreme pressure. In addition, when the ULTRA Bearing Oil is applied, a film is formed with the heat generated when metals rub each other, so the lubricating effect can be maintained even if the oil is removed with a cleaner, etc. At the joints of universal shafts, it is possible to avoid lowering drive efficiency and progress of wear especially when sand and dust are attached during driving
ULTRA Teflon Oil is a product blended with fluorocarbon resin named PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) which has a minimum friction coefficient and is very compatible with plastic and rubber parts. For a radio-controlled car, it is most suitable for the gear drive around the differential which is a movable part where resin parts and metal parts join and the suspension operating part. In addition, because of its good compatibility with rubber products, it is possible to lower the frictional resistance with the O-ring by applying it thinly on the shaft of the oil shock, resulting in a smoother damper operation.
Since both products are packed in needle-nozzle typed containers, you can easily inject in even small parts. Since Teflon oil essence easily precipitates in status, please shake the container well before you use it. Each contains 8ml.