YD-2用新規オプション グラファイトバンパー&アルミ製STストッパー
New Option Parts for YD-2 Graphite bumper & Aluminum Steering stopper

New optional parts for the YD-2 series are now available!
The new lightweight graphite bumper reduces the front overhang, and shifting weight balance towards the rear. This will improve rear traction

Y2-001GB YD-2用グラファイト製バンパー/バンパーブレース Graphite bumper/brace for YD-2 ¥3,800(税別)

The 3mm diameter steering stopper for YD-2 will limit the radius of the steering and provide predictable operation angle. By applying hard anodized coating, the new steering stopper is light weight and enable smooth suspension movement.

Y2-415AL3 YD-2用アルミ製ステアリングストッパーΦ3mm Aluminum Steering Stopper for YD-2 ¥460(税別)