フロントの軽量化と精度を両立するYD-2用ハイブリッド ショックタワー
Hybrid shock tower for YD-2 that achieves both weight reduction and accuracy

Y2-017AGB/AGR/AGP YD-2シリーズ用ハイブリッドフロントショックタワー (グラファイト/アルミ製 ブラック/レッド/パープル) 各¥4,200(税別)

A front shock tower that fits into all YD-2 series cars. The upper shock tower ensures sufficient rigidity by being lightweight and highly rigid graphite with 3 mm thick. The upper arm holder is made of aluminum to increase rigidity and accuracy. The lineup includes three colors of black / red / purple would match the machine color on aluminum part. Lighter weight and lower center gravity improves the exercise performance and suspension response stability, and also the visual of machine would also increase.