好評発売中のドリフト専用BLシリーズ スピード コントローラーに、シリーズ最上位機種のBL-PRO4Dが新登場!
DRIFT SPEC BL-PRO4 Speed controler/ZERO 2 Blushless Motor & Combo set (10.5T/13.5T)

BL-PRO4D BL-PRO4 ドリフト スペック スピードコントローラー ¥20,000(税別)
BL-P4105D/P4135D BL-PRO4 ドリフト スペック コンボセット(10.5T/13.5T) ¥25,660(税別)
BL-PRO4D BL-PRO4 Drift Spec Speed Controller ¥ 20,000 (excluding tax)
BL - P4105D / P4135D BL - PRO4 Drift Spec Combo Set (10.5 T / 13.5 T) ¥ 25,660 (excluding tax)

ブラシレス用スピードコントローラーBLシリーズの中でも最もパワフルでエキスパートに人気の高いBL-PRO4をベースに、チームヨコモのタカヒロ選手がチューン。2WD、4WDいずれにもベストマッチできるように標準データを設定。RC ドリフト カーの特性を知り尽くしたチームヨコモ全員で製品化した今までには無かったお勧めの逸品です。まずはコーナーリング中のドリフトアングルをコントロールしやすくするため、低回転域のスロットル特性をマイルドに設定し、中速域からブーストを上げることで迫力のある振り出しや切り返しを演出。扱いやすさを保ちながら、どなたにもパワフルなドリフトが可能になります。ワンランク上のコントロールを身につけて、RCドリフトの楽しさを大いに味わってください。
Team Yokomo’s Takahiro tune based on BL-PRO 4 which is the most powerful and popular expert among BL series speed controllers BL series. Standard data is set so that it can best match both 2WD and 4WD. Team Yokomo who knew the characteristics of the RC drift car It is a gem of the recommendation which was not commercialized so far by all members. First, in order to make it easy to control the drift angle during cornering, set the throttle characteristics in the low speed range to mild, and boost the boost from the medium speed range to produce powerful turning and turning back. While maintaining ease of handling, it makes it possible for anyone to have powerful drift. Please wear a notch control and have a great taste of the pleasure of RC drift.
In addition, the case of PRO4D is full aluminum with high cooling efficiency, and on both sides adopted exclusive design with laser engraving of drift spec.
Cooling is also thorough equipped with a cooling fan.

In addition, the ZERO 2 motor is also unified with the original design with the image, and the atmosphere is much improved. The number of turns of the motor is 10.5 T (for carpet · asphalt road surface) and 13.5 T (for color concrete, P tile etc. with low grip road surface), so we offer a bargain combo set, so use it You can choose according to your purpose, such as machine and road surface conditions.
* To change the program, prepare a special programmer (BL-YBP 4 ● 2,700) separately,
Please operate with the smartphone application via the dedicated Wi-Fi module (BL-WM ●4,700).