ハイグリップ路面に対応するYZ-2シリーズ用 LCギヤボックス
YZ-2 series LC Transmission Case for High grip surface
Z2-118T YZ-2T用バッテリーホルダー/ラジオトレイ
Z2-302CT YZ-2T用 ギヤボックス キャップ/デフハイト アダプター
Z2-304T YZ-2T用 アルミ製 モーターマウント
Z2-300RFT YZ-2T用 アルミ製 リヤサスマウント(前側)
Introducing LC (Laydown/Carpet) Transmission Case for Carpet, Astro, and hi-traction Dirt surfaces made specially for our YZ-2 series of vehicles.
The New LC Transmission Case is a 3-piece construction that allows for quick/easy diff access.
This also uses the same style transmission cam adapter system as our current YZ-2T LD Transmission Case, which makes raising and lowering the diff a breeze.
The LC Transmission Case allows for the lowest possible center of gravity which improves the overall handling and performance of the vehicle on hi-traction surfaces.