BD9用 マルチ ウエイト プレートで低重心化と重量バランスを最適化
Adjust balance & Low CG with Multi Weight Plate for BD9

B9-MWP BD9用 マルチウエイト プレート(7g×3枚入) Multi weight plate for BD9 ¥2,800(税別)

低重心で軽量なスーパーLCGバッテリーを使用する場合は、バッテリーの下に敷くことで更なる低重心化を果たします。また、通常のスタンダードLi-poバッテリーを使用することの多いストック ツーリングカテゴリーでは、ESCや受信機の下に装着して左右バランスを最適化することが可能です。1枚の重量は約7gで、サイズは25×34×1mm。貼付用の薄い両面テープも付属します。
This is a weight plate for BD9 which is designed for optimization of the left-right balance and low center of gravity for the BD9 platform. The system is a set of shaped brass plate that can be used in various ways according to the situation. It comes as a set of three with a black coating and beveled edge design.
When using a lightweight or super LCG battery, such as in Modified class racing, placing the weights under the battery will further lower the center of gravity. In the stock categories, which often uses regular standard Li-po batteries, the weights can be installed under the ESC or the Receiver to optimize the left/right balance. Each plate weighs 7g, and the size is 25 × 34 × 1 mm. A thin double-sided adhesive tape is also included.