さらなる高みを目指して進化した2WDオフロードカー YZ-2 CAL3/DTM3 新登場!!
NEW!! 2WD off-road car YD-2 CAL3/DTM3 evolved to further spec
B-YZ2CAL3 2WDオフロードカー YZ-2 CAL3 (人工芝/カーペット路面用) ¥46,800(税別)
B-YZ2DTM3 2WDオフロードカー YZ-2 DTM3(ダート路面用) ¥46,800(税別)
ダート路面に適合するYZ-2 DTM3はメインシャーシをショート化し、積極的なピッチング作動で荷重移動を早め、グリップの低い路面でも高いレスポンスと旋回性を発揮します。また、DTM3には2種類のギヤボックスが付属。ローマウントながらモーターを後ろ寄りに設定できるLDギヤボックスと、ハイグリップ用としても使われているLCギヤボックスから選択でき、幅広い路面適応力を見せます。
人工芝やカーペットなどのハイグリップ路面に対応するYZ-2 CAL3は、ショック取付位置を3mmダウンさせるローマウントダンパーステーや、前後に標準装備されるスタビライザーで圧倒的な運動性能を獲得しながら、ロングホイールベースで安定感の高い走行が可能です。
The YZ-2 was the 2017 IFMAR World Championships winner. Yokomo have improved its off road surface adaptability and cornering performance, bringing the next level of performance.
The YZ-2 DTM3 is suited to dirt tracks. Yokomo have shortened the main chassis and improved acceleration load transfer by aggressive pitching action. It also delivers high response and turning, even on low grip surfaces. In addition, the DTM3 comes with two types of gearboxes. You can choose from an LD gearbox that allows you to set the motor to the rear while being low mounted and an LC gearbox that is used for high grips, giving you a wide range of road surface adaptability.
The YZ-2 CAL3 is suited to high grip tracks surface such as artificial turf. It has gained overwhelming driving performance with a low mount damper stay to lower the shock install position by 3 mm, the front and rear stabilizer is standard in the kit. You will feel a sense of stability with the long standard wheel base.
We have also improved the access to the differential for maintenance with a three-piece gear box which also improves durability by adopting a thicker suspension arm pin than before. Now aiming for the world championship again with an evolved machine!
By changing the front and rear outer hinge pins to Φ3mm and the rear inner hinge pins to Φ3.5mm the rigidity is greatly enhanced.
The smoothness of the suspension operation improves dramatically and increased traction is achieved.
Access to the differential has become easier with the 3-split gearbox.
DTM3 comes with a lightweight ball differential and CAL3 comes with a high capacity sealed gear differential as standard.
Also equipped with a front wing that enhances corner holding accuracy. Securely fixed in place with a special lightweight wing mount.
A chassis mounted tray is supplied for installing the ESC and Receiver.
It can be removed easily and maintenance efficiency is increased.
The new battery holder is a one-touch type, simple one thumbscrew operation.
The battery position can be moved in smaller increments, giving a more precise setting of weight balance.
The slipper clutch is a standard single type, but it is possible to change to double slipper just by adding plate and pad.
The CAL3 is equipped with a front and rear stabilizer as kit standard for higher driving performance.
The shock tower also has a lower center of gravity, using a special product that lowers the shock mounting position by 3 mm.
The CAL3 comes standard with an LC gearbox suitable for high grip track surfaces.
It improves turn in performance as the center of gravity is slightly different, improving driving feel.
Two types of gearboxes are included with the YZ-2DTM3. You can choose from an LD gearbox that allows you to set the motor to the rear while being low mounted, and an LC gearbox that is also used for high grip, showing a wide range of track surface adaptability.
The suspension arm now comes with a new shock mounting plate, which allows you to finely change the lever ratio of the suspension. The shock can be attached to either side of the suspension arm.
専用のモーターファン マウントで、30mmのクーリングファンをがっちりと取り付けられます。
The special motor fan mount allows a 30 mm cooling fan to be mounted securely.