BD10最新セッティング (7/17データ追加)
BD10 Latest setting

We have received the latest setup from team drivers from all over the country running on BD10. The BD10 has a relatively wide range of road adaptability when it finds a desired setup, so it seems to be able to drive stably even if the situation changes. Please refer to the setup sheet of the top driver and find the setting you like.
Roadrunners RC Camarillo(MOD) by Jacob Cruz [JPEG279KB]
Zen RC Circuit(17.5t) by Takahiro Namura [PDF427KB]
Shortcut Circuit(17.5t) by Takahiro Iwashimizu [PDF1.52MB]
Hooby Shop Dayz (17.5T) by Masayuki Oyaizu [PDF1.54MB]
Super Rajikon Omiya (17.5T) by Kazuma Murai [PDF1.54MB]
ZEN RC Circuit (17.5T) by Rei Anekawa [PDF1.55MB]
RC Tengoku Nagoya (17.5T) by Kazuma Morita [PDF1.54MB]
Original Standard setup(Asphalt) by Souta Goto [PDF192KB]
AMCA_Apeldoorn(MOD/Outdoor Asphalt) by Christopher_Krapp [JPEG389KB]
Hobby Shop F-1 (13.5T/Indoor Asphalt) by Souichiro Ikeda [PDF193KB]